去年,由德國化學和生物技術巨頭巴斯夫(Basf)創立的Pragati可持續蓖麻計劃,特種化學公司Arkema,冰球公司Jayant Agro-Mangaligant和實施合作夥伴Solidaridad,該蓖麻種子的生產翻了一番。

該項目於1月13日由巴斯夫發布的第五年的結果表明,已經接受了5,800多名農民的培訓,審核和認證 - 與上一年相比增長了27%。

巴斯夫報告稱,在2021年,總共種植了36,000噸認證的蓖麻子種子 - 比上一年增加了50%。


‘With our joint efforts in this programme, we support the sustainable production of castor beans to establish sustainable supply chains that, amongst others, increase the yields and income of farmers,’ said Karin Wagner, who is responsible for castor oil and derivatives procurement at BASF.


The project’s goal is to enable sustainable castor crop production by the use of good agricultural practices to increase yield and farmer income, the efficient use of water resources and maintenance of soil fertility, the adoption of good waste management practices and better health and safety practices and respect for human rights.