美國食品巨頭The Kellogg Company(Kellogg's)宣布計劃分為三家獨立公司,以簡化公司並專注於零食業務。

As part of the move by the maker of Kellogg’s cornflakes, Rice Krispies, Pringles and other well-known food brands, Kellogg’s will separate its North American cereal and plant-based food businesses, resulting in three companies, the company said in the 21 June statement.



北美穀物公司的淨銷售額約為24億美元,將是美國,加拿大和加勒比海的一家穀物公司,而Plant Co(約3.4億美元的淨銷售額)將是一家植物性食品公司,基於晨星農場品牌。

凱洛格公司董事長兼首席執行官史蒂夫·卡希拉恩(Steve Cahillane)表示:“這些業務都具有巨大的獨立潛力,而重點的重點將使他們能夠更好地將資源指向其獨特的戰略優先事項。”

Kellogg’s said it expected the new snack food company to be a higher growth business than the current company “featuring a more growth-orientated portfolio and aided by more focused resources and attention to brand building… and international expansion of world-class brands, and to building scale in emerging markets.”


凱洛格(Kellogg)表示,北美穀物公司和植物公司(Plant Co)都將保留其總部在密歇根州的巴特爾克裏克(Battle Creek),而全球零食公司將保留其雙重總部在伊利諾伊州的巴特爾克裏克(Battle Creek)和芝加哥(Chicago)。
